Applications are OPEN for the 2025-26 school year!


Who We Are
KIPP Heartwood Academy (grades 5-8) is a public charter middle school located in San José.

The mission of KIPP Heartwood Academy is to deepen the knowledge, skills, character, and intellectual habits our middle school students need to excel in high school and college, and to make positive change every single day.

2021 California Distinguished School
Top Bay Area Public Schools for Underserved Students
2017-2018 California Honor Roll
2010 National Blue Ribbon Award

Honor | Excellence | Absolute Determination | Responsibility | Team

Special Education at KIPP

All students are welcome! We recognize the unique needs of each student and design high quality and specialized programs that enable each student to fully participate in their school community and the world at large. Special education services are available at all KIPP schools. Learn more about the SPED Program.

Mental Health & Wellness

KIPP Northern California aims to provide high-quality, client-centered, and culturally responsive mental health services designed to support students with varying levels of need. All students should have access to quality mental health services and as such, all services are free to students and provided regardless of insurance in order to reduce barriers to mental health care, meet students where they are at, and challenge mental health stigma. Learn more about our Mental Health and Wellness Program

Salvador Abundiz, Parent, KIPP Heartwood
Salvador Abundiz, Parent, KIPP Heartwood
When I drop my girls off at school, or come to help the teachers, I can see that everyone is working together to help one another. Those are the same values I hold for my own family, and I have such confidence in KIPP to give my daughters the education I never had. With KIPP, I know that their dreams are possible. I will see my girls complete college and become whatever they want to be in the world.

Enrollment Information

Applications for the 2024-25 school year are open for grades 5-8. You can submit your online application here.

Only applications that are received by the open enrollment deadline will be considered in the lottery. Applications received after the open enrollment deadline will be considered on a first-come first-served basis. Lottery decisions will be sent to families via text and email.

To submit an application or inquire about your status, please log in to your SchoolMint account at

What Makes KIPP Different?

We believe all children should grow up free to create the future they want for themselves and their communities. KIPP Northern California’s free public charter schools prepare students for success in college and in life.

Middle school students on computer

Sense of Belonging

KIPP provides a positive, supportive, and inclusive learning environment where all students are known, respected, and empowered.

  • 100% of our schools prioritize social-emotional learning through a Multi-Tiered System of Supports.
  • 100% of our schools have Mental Health Clinicians and mental health supports that are available to all students regardless of insurance status.

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elementary school student raising hand

Academic Excellence

KIPP fosters a culture of academic excellence and intellectual curiosity through individualized instruction that meets the learning needs of every student.

  • KIPP Northern California high schools are ranked in the top 10% of public high schools in the country, according to US News & World Report.
  • KIPP NorCal outperforms the California state average in both Math and English Language Arts. For students classified as economically disadvantaged, KIPP NorCal is outpacing the state by 10 or more percentage points in both subjects.

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Charter school family smiling

Family & Community Partnerships

KIPP partners with families and local organizations in our communities to support healthy development for children.

  • Our partners include El Concilio California, YMCA, Community Partnerships for Families of San Joaquin, Housing Authority of San Joaquin, Boys & Girls Club, College Track, Bayview Hunters’ Point Clinic, among many others.

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High School graduation

College and Career Guidance

KIPP works with high school students and 4,000 alumni each year on the path to college, career, and beyond.

  • Over time, 95% of all KIPP Northern California high school students have matriculated to 4-year colleges or other progressive pathways like AA or CTE certification programs.
  • Our alumni graduate from college with bachelor’s degrees at three times the rate of their peers.

Learn More KIPP Bay Area